Stitches in a British comedy horror movie released in 2012. This film is written by Conor McMahon and David O'Brien and directed by Conor McMahon. The main characters of the movie Stitches are played by Ross Noble, Tommy Knight, Shane Murray-Corcoran, Gemma-Leah Devereux, Thommas Kane Byrnes and Eoghan McQuinn. This movie has the use of the dark humor, like what we saw in the movie The Cabin In The Woods.
is about a clown who dies accidentally by the prank of some kids and a few
years later, comes back to take his revenge.
movie Stitches starts with a clown named ‘Stitches’ having sex with a lady in
his cabin. Suddenly an alarm reminds him of a party which he is supposed to
attend. So he dashes to the party.
party was the birthday party of a small boy named Tom. Tom and his friends are
having a good time in Tom’s house before Stitches arrives. Stitches reaches
there and takes his fees from Tom’s mother in advance, before he even enters
the house.
Stitches starts his performance to the children. He is the worst clown ever,
considering his performance and behavior. On the other hand, the kids keep
interrupting and humiliating him at each of his attempts to entertain the
children. Suddenly, a boy, a friend of Tom tries to pull a prank on Stitches by
tying his shoelaces together. But this goes horribly
wrong, and the accident causes Stitches’ death.
the children become scared and sad, specially Tom. From his tree-house, he sees
the funeral of Stitches with a telescope. Later on that night, he visits
Stitches’ grave to pay his respects. But following some sounds, Tom goes to a
nearby house where a group of clowns are performing some special rituals for
Stitches. The group catches him, but then leaves him unharmed.
years have passed. Tom and his friends are now teens and go to the same
school. Tom has grown as a shy boy, who is often bullied by his classmates. His
birthday is coming soon, and suddenly he starts hallucinating about Stitches,
both in his home and in his school.
parents are going to be away at the time of his birthday, so he plans to have a
very small birthday party that will include only his very close friends. But
one of his friends spreads the words out, so his birthday party becomes a big
party containing a good number of teens and all of them, who were there at the
time of Stitches’ death.
copy of the invitation letter of Tom’s party flies to Stitches’ grave. At the
eve of Tom’s birthday, Stitches rises from his grave and heads to Tom’s party
to seek his revenge.
manages to hide at the house and starts killing Tom’s friends in a way that is
related to how each of them humiliated Stitches before his death. He
manages to kill a few of them before anyone notices. But then Tom sees him and
wants to alarm everyone about his presence.
first, his friends don’t believe him. But when they do, its already late and
Stitches has taken the lives of a few teens. Only Tom, His childhood crush and
another friend of his is alive from that party of six years ago. They must run
for their lives while Stitches is chasing them.
also realize, to stay alive, they must find a way to kill Stitches.
review about the movie Stitches:
of all, I didn’t like Stitches at all. It felt like I’ve totally wasted my
time by watching it.
plot of Stitches is peculiar and pointless. The screenplay and direction felt awful. IMDB
lists this movie as a comedy/horror. But I haven’t found any comedy element in
Stitches. I’m not sure if the director has made this movie in this way on purpose,
may be it was supposed to be funny. Blame my sense of humor as much as you
want, I totally failed to find the ‘fun’ part anywhere.
acting of all the main characters of Stitches were good, and its surprising, comparing with
all the other elements of this movie. The dialogues are ridiculous, specially
the dialogues of Stitches. The lighting, camera works and the set designs were
also not that bad.
worst parts of the movie Stitches are its gore scenes. Those scenes look
unnecessary and disgusting, with very bad special effect and make ups. Again,
may be whose scenes were supposed to be funny, but not for me.
the sexual content, bad language and gore scenes, Stitches is surely not a
movie that you can consider watching with children.
finally, as I’ve written ago, this movie seemed a total waste of time for me.
But surprisingly, Stitches has a little better than average IMDB rating of 5.7
(while I’m writing this review), so may be its me who is missing something
here. But its not such a movie, which I want to watch second time to find the
missing, pieces. My recommendation: stay
away from Stitches if you don’t want to waste your time.
you watched Stitches? How did you like it? If you have liked it, would you
please care to share here what am I missing? There must be something wrong.
you are interested,
movie website:
link: Stitches IMDB
Link: Stitches Wiki
To buy or rent this movie from Amazon, or to watch online, you can find the best deal on it here: Stitches Movie
To buy or rent this movie from Amazon, or to watch online, you can find the best deal on it here: Stitches Movie
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