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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rio 2 Movie Review

Rio 2

Rio 2 is an animated adventure comedy movie released in 2014. As the name suggests, it is the sequel of the popular animated movie Rio. This movie is written by Don Rhymer, Carlos Kotkin, Jenny Bicks, Yoni Brenner and Carlos Saldanha and directed by Carlos Saldanha. The voices of the major characters of the movie Rio 2 are given by Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Leslie Mann, Rodrigo Santoro, Bruno Mars, Jemaine Clement, George Lopez,, Jamie Foxx, Andy García and Kristin Chenoweth.

In Rio 2, Blu and Jewel heads for the Amazon to find more birds of their own species. At the same time, Linda and Tulio's lives fall in danger when they try to save those birds from illegal loggers. 

A scene from the movie Rio 2 by oceans movie reviews
A scene from the movie Rio 2

At the beginning of the movie Rio 2, we see Blu and Jewel are living a happy life in Rio de Janeiro with their three children and the friends. Jewel doesn't like the human culture in Blu and the children, but somehow they are getting along.

On an expedition of Tulio and Linda in Amazon rainforest, they find the existence of more birds of Blu's species, which they previously believed, has become extinct. They announce this news on T.V. and decides to continue their journey to find the home of these birds. This announcement instantly make them enemy of an illegal logger group's boss.

The announcement also makes Jewel excited and she pressures Blu to go to Amazon to find their real place on earth. So, Blu's family leaves their home to Amazon to find those birds. Blu takes his travel kits with him, which includes a GPS and other necessary human things. Two of Blu's friends also joins the family in their journey.

Nigel, a villain from the prequel, sees Blu leaving and follows him silently to take his revenge on Blu for the accident which makes him unable to fly anymore. An anteater and a poisonous frog joins him. The poisonous frog is in love with Nigel. Their first attempt to kill Blu fails and finally, Blu's family and Nigel's group reach the Amazon rainforest.

After some searching, Blu and his family finds the home of those birds. There Jewel finds her long lost family. Now Jewel has her father, sister and her childhood friends. Everyone adjusts there very well, everyone except Blu. Jewel's family is against everything related to humans but Blu is very much used to living in the human way.So Blu finds a very hard time adjusting there. Jewel tries to support him and tells him that they are never going to leave this place.

Since childhood, Blu is living with the humans, so he doesn't know how to survive in the jungle. One of his mistakes causes them a fight with their enemy bird group. For Blu's another mistake, those enemy birds win, for which, Jewel's family loses the hold of food of that area. This makes everyone (including Jewel) very disappointed on Ble and Blu becomes deeply depressed.

With his GPS, Blu finds Linda and Tulio, who have already got attacked by the loggers and the logger's have left them to die. Blu learns about the logger's plan to destroy that part of the forest, which also includes Jewel's family's home.

Blu warns the other birds about it. He tries to convince all the birds to fight for their land. By growing up with humans, he know the human techniques and machines and he is confident that he can stop the loggers with the help of the other birds. At the same time, Nigel and his friends plans to launch their final attack to kill Blu.

Can Blu save their home? Do the other birds trust him after all these? Can he get away from Nigel's attack? Lets watch Rio 2 to know the answers.

My review about the movie Rio 2:
First of all, I didn't like Rio 2 much.

The plot of Rio 2 was simple and very predictable. The plot will not give you any thrill at all. Sometimes, it seemed like too many things got congested in a single movie. To me, it didn't disappoint much, because I was not a big fan of its prequel, Rio. Rio 2 may seem enjoyable to children, but should not amuse the elders. We have seen several animated films like the Ice Age series, which seemed enjoyable to elders too.

Rio 2 has a good number of songs in it. Sometimes those felt as a good touch, sometimes not. But this movie badly lacked some humor elements. More humors could make it more pleasant. The animation and the use of colors was brilliant in this movie, and that's the only thing I liked about it. The direction seemed good in Rio 2, but the screenplay seemed weak.

The dialogues of all the characters were okay but nothing extraordinary. They could be prefect if they contained more humor. The character of Blu didn't seem strong enough. The characters of the villain Nigel also didn't seem strong.

So, finally, I didn't enjoy watching Rio 2 much. This movie lacked the trill from its sequel and it seemed as just a very predictable plot is moving forward. Children should love to see all those beautiful birds and other things, but it may not seem enjoyable to the grown ups. This one may seem inferior comparing with its prequel. So, I will not recommend watching Rio 2 to movie fans, even to the animation fans.

But that's just me. How did you like Rio 2? Share with us in the comments.

To know more about it:
IMDB Link: Rio 2 IMDB
Wikipedia Link: Rio 2 Wiki

To but or rent this movie from amazon, or to watch online, you will find the best deal on it here:Rio 2 Movie

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